Holiday Box
The easiest holiday gift you'll send this year (or buy one for yourself!)
$98 value for $65 delivered to the door.
What the holiday box includes
- Tahi Beelicious Honey
- 1885 UMF 5+ Manuka Honey
- Forty Thieves Scorched Almond Butter (may be swapped with almond butter by request)
- Tio Pablo Spiced Hot Chocolate
- Wild Country Black Garlic and Truffle Steak Sauce
- Zealong Origins Loose Leaf Tea Sampler (may be swapped for the Zealong Heritage or Zealong Botanials tea collection sampler by request)
- Jenny's Kitchen Tamarind Chutney (Hot). (may be swapped with Mild or Medium by request)
- Winter 2019 edition of Edible Houston
- A kiwi bird cookie cutter